Shilpa’s support to Artisans take the form of marketing their producers, enabling them to participate in various fairs and exhibitions, providing training, improving designs and developing the artisans and crafts people into groups for participation in sustainable income generation activities.
Shilpa’s credo is “Employment through self help”.
Artisans are encouraged to find out their own solutions to their problems, to develop necessary skills, both in craft and in managing their business. Shilpa acts as a facilitator. Producer Shilpa helps and includes people in fair trade and other income generation activities.
Karnataka can well be described as the land of crafts. For over 12 centuries artisans, crafts persons have turned out masterpieces of art in stone, wood, metal and fabric. In recent years however in the absence of traditional patronage, the lives of artisans have become enmeshed in the coils of hardship and poverty.
Shilpa came into being with the intention of trying to bring about and improvement in their living conditions and to help them to regain both income and self-respect.
Our Story
Shilpa founded in 1992 is a service-oriented, social welfare organization, secular in character, non profitable public charitable registered trust, and registered under the trust act. It is committed to the social and economic development of Rural Artisans both women and men. Its main area of operation is the state of Karnataka in South India.